
Executives of the P&C Industry

Underwriting, Sales & Marketing Professionals

Business Development Leaders, Claims Managers & Actuarial



From:  Peter M. Wells Business Group (PMWBG)


Re:  PMWBG Executives are right now meeting with Insurance Professionals in both Residential & Commercial Property Insurance Operations in-order-to update the industry’s top leadership on the benefits of Implementing the Next Milestone for Creating Significant Competitive Advantage in an already overly saturated marketplace where too much insurance supply is chasing dwindling demand.



PMWBG in association with Location, Inc have once again found next generation data that changes the paradigm of how business is done to your advantage. Through the introduction of a new evolution in Geo-spatial Behavior-based Incident Data, insurance companies are able to select more and better property business from across the entire the U.S. economy, evaluate its multi-year profitability into the future, understand business viability and loss control management now and over the next five years using Incident Researched Geo-spatial Scoring Technologies. This is the P&C Insurance Industry’s first BEHAVIOR-BASED INCIDENT DATA, tested by top property writers against tens of millions of policies, and now shown to deliver (i) new Competitive Advantage in very localized market segments; (ii) reduce Operating Ratios by up to 9 points, and (iii) up to 14 points of new Premium Lift on top of what other rating variables supply (what we call the 23rd variable). The Program is designed to reach into our enormous incident database – the next evolution in underwriting research – adding upside earnings impact across entire books of business for use by Sales, Underwriting, Price Management, Loss Control and Claims.

Open the following link to view this Bulletin:

Download Bulletin

Discussion:   PMWBG is the market leader in finding and implementing new data solutions that are game changing.  Now PMWBG with Location, Inc. are bringing to market broad enhancements in Behavior-based Geo-spatial information. The use of Geo-spatial behavior, which can be accessed down to the block level (and smaller – 33’ increments) has opened up new avenues for underwriting sophistication, giving fresh insights, market advantage, risk selection and management impact, and the earnings advantage from lift.  Because we are now adding millions of variations to the data from real incident in the economy, our unique programs create FRESH ALIGNMENT BETWEEN COMPANIES AGENTS AND THEIR IDEAL, MOST PROFITABLE LONG-TERM CUSTOMERS.

Insurance research is trying to catch up as written about in AM BEST[1]and other industry sources. What we led with in 2015 concerning the importance of geo-spatial behavior information on the insuring process is where new opportunity is being sought.  Since we led the way it makes sense to meet with our experts to understand the technology. Now the entire insurance industry is looking to find fresh perspective by adding BEHAVIOR to the variables used to manage and price risk.


PMWBG leads the way to We do incident-based BEHAVIOR without competition. As part of our proposed meeting with your firm, we plan to review new modeling for . . .


  • FIRE RISK – the latest impact variables from the incident database on next generation FIRE RISK models. Results tested in some the nation’s largest personal lines writers show more than double the segmentation, with lift variables as high as 14% above what is done today. Incorporated are the incident loss risk variables researched from over 18,000 locations, plus billions of events like leaving a hot, greasy frying pan unattended on a stove, falling asleep with a lit cigarette, ignoring electrical problems, carelessness with space heaters play roles in loss.  We’re excited to show updated test results.
  • WATER RISK – Continuing the theme of helping carriers identify human behavior loss risk, Location, Inc. has developed a new index focused on water.  Loss risks like gutter backups or burst pipes where human negligence plays a role in loss and we can help predict the likelihood of these types of claims
  • CRIME RISK – We, of course, continue to offer the highest precision crime risk analytics available to the industry which is used by over 150 carriers, including three top-10 carriers.


Getting Together

Since the impact is so important, why not contact us for a no cost demonstration. I’m looking forward to visiting with you.




Peter Wells

Managing Partner

Peter M. Wells Business Group


[1] AM Best Magazine, February 2017.